How to fill the data security form on Google Play

In this tutorial, we will provide a guide on how to complete the “Data Security” form for our apps in our Google Play developer console.

Below, you will find instructions that will guide you step by step through text and images that will help you in a didactic to complete the form to prevent your game from being rejected.


Step 1. Data security.

General description.

Read the general description carefully and then click the next button.





For the question: Does your app collect or share any of the types of data required of users?
Check the Option yes.


It will display the following options:

For the question: Is all user data collected by your app encrypted in transit?

Check the Option No.



For the question:  Which of the following accounts creation methods supports the app? Select all the corresponding options. (Optional)This includes the accounts that were created completely in the app or on a website that users were redirected to create an account.
Usernames can be user IDS, email addresses or telephone numbers. Authentication can be done through two factors, biometric data, single -use password or initial login.

Check the Option: My app does not allow users to believe an account.




For the question: Do you make a method available to users to request that their data be erased? (Optional)

Check the Option: No, but user data is automatically deleted within 90 days

And click next.


Step 3. Data types

In the data types section we will select only 2 types of data which are: "Location" and "Device or other ID"

For "Location" we must select the 2 options that it gives us:
- Approximate location
- precise location




And for "Device or other IDs" we will select the only option also called Device or other IDs

Then we press next.



In the "Location" section the 2 options appear again
- Approximate location
- Precise location

We must enter through the blue arrow to the right of each one to complete a form that is displayed.



First, I selected the following two options:

  • Collected
  • Shared


Then select on the following items

  • Yes, the data collected is treated in an ephemeral way
  • Data collection is required (users cannot disable this option)



We select

Advertising or marketing




(and again, at the end, when scrolling)

Advertising or marketing

And we press save and close that window.



In the "Device or other ID" section only one option named equal appears Device or other ID, we must enter through the blue arrow on the right to complete a form that is displayed.



And we repeat the whole process again. As in the previous section and finally we give it to save.



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  • 0
    Jackie Pierce

    very helpful, My apps kept getting rejected because of this issue. I have rebuilt my App with these setting and I hope it gets approved. I'll let you know if it works.

  • 0
    Jackie Pierce

    back with an update, my app got approved! no problem! and fast. Now to fix my other Apps. Thank you. 

    P.S worked out for my Galaxy App Store Apps too.

    Edited by Jackie Pierce
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